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Tag: George I. Gonzalez
La estrategia de Kamala Harris: Llevarle la lucha al bully En tan solo cuatro años el panorama de los demócratas ha cambiado y el presentar una alternativa no es suficiente para derrotar a Trump, se necesita algo más: darle de su propia medicina.
The Republican National Convention: A Short-Lived Call for Unity Whoever the new Democratic Party candidate is, he or she is being put in a lose-lose situation. There’s no time to establish an identity. They will be running as the second-best option. They will be running as the “hope against Trump” candidate, and that’s not going to be enough in this political climate.
Judicial Reform: What Mexico’s Proposal Could Teach the U.S. If we could elect the Supreme Court, could we have avoided that? Can it help make the Justices more accountable? Is it right to do so? Let’s analyze what it could mean for Mexico.
A Non-debate and its Consequences to the Democratic Party “Trump is crazy, and Biden is too slow to fight back” – that was the best evaluation of the debate I’ve heard. The Democratic Party’s leadership is in a scramble, and they just lost this election.
Top 5 de los puntos a considerar en el primer debate presidencial de EU Sin duda el encuentro de los aspirantes nos dará mucho de qué hablar. Habrá momentos de angustia, de comedia, y de enojo. Pero lo que realmente será, es un ejercicio de mercadotecnia hacia las cámaras de eco de cada partido.
The Politics of Avocados and the Economic Ties of the U.S. and Mexico The real focus of Thursday’s U.S. presidential debate should be on the growing economic and cultural ties, and how both countries can benefit from globalization. But sadly, that won’t be the case. We’ll be lucky if they mention avocados.
Mexico, the Political Piñata: Claudia Sheinbaum’s America Problem Can Sheinbaum expect Trump to be an ally on immigration? Maybe. Lopez Obrador found common ground and had a relatively calm and fruitful relationship with Trump. Despite his claims that “Mexico will pay for the wall”, nothing notable happened, there weren’t any angry discourses or insults.
El veredicto de Trump: Un día triste para la democracia El Partido Demócrata ha fallado. No porque haya hecho mal al denunciar o enjuiciar a Trump, sino porque “los juicios políticos” han sido su gran punto de enfoque. Tampoco han promovido sus propias políticas o el impacto económico que han tenido.