Fundador de la firma Complex Made Simple. Experto en comunicaciones de política pública y comentarista
Fundador de Complex Made Simple y experto en comunicaciones politicas y corporativas. Originario de CDMX. Fue designado de la Casa Blanca y subsecretario de prensa de desarrollo urbano y vivienda. También fue gerente de comunicaciones de política pública de Facebook en Washington D.C.
Latino Voters Have Options: That’s a Good Thing Democrats need new leadership. Joe Biden was always intended to be a transitional president, someone who could get Trump out of office, and who would then pass the torch to a new generation of Democrats. He did so, but not willingly, and what we got instead was a desperate scramble for a successor, and the return of Donald Trump.
La matemática de los votos electorales Kamala Harris ha recabado dos mil millones de dólares, pero las donaciones políticas no ganan elecciones. Las elecciones se ganan al motivar a tus votantes a asistir a las urnas.
Claudia Sheinbaum’s Transition and the Continuation of AMLO’s Presidency When Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) selected Claudia Sheinbaum as his predecessor, he chose the path of least resistance. With the popularity of his Morena Party at an all-time high, it didn’t matter who he chose, that person would become the next President of Mexico.
Un debate sin consecuencias Sin duda el debate de hoy nos dará angustia, risa y preocupación. Pero hay que recordar que este encuentro no tendrá consecuencias, todo es un show.
The Democratic National Convention: What happened to the American Dream? The text highlights a key weakness in the Democrats' messaging: the lack of focus on the "American Dream" and economic upward mobility. It contrasts this with the Republican emphasis on "making America great again".